刘超,健康传播博士后,担任SSCI一区期刊Frontiers in Psychology健康传播的编委成员。博士毕业于台湾长庚大学健康资讯传播与管理研究中心,与清华大学长庚医学发展研究院、清华大学附属北京长庚医院联合培养。博士毕业后,在台湾长庚大学与新加坡南洋理工大学从事健康传播博士后研究。主持健康传播省部级、地厅级科研项目多项,以第一作者发表健康传播SSCI一区二区以上期刊论文10多篇,担任健康传播SSCI期刊IJERPH、healthcare、BMC Women's Health、BMC health service research、BMC psychology、JMIR Public Health & Surveillance、JMIR mHealth and uHealth等的审稿人。研究兴趣主要集中在自我传播(专注于各种医学冥想技术的认知神经传播)、人际传播(专注于医患沟通与冲突)、组织传播(专注于医护人员的组织传播对病人安全的影响)、大众传播与人机交互(专注于医疗数字媒体在身心健康的实证研究)。在健康传播实务上,开发正念冥想、慈悲冥想等录音课程、新媒体动画产品和手机App。
Chao Liu, is the editorial board member of SSCI journal《Frontiers in Psychology》. He graduated from the Research Center of Health Informatics and Management, Chang Gung University, Taiwan. He was jointly trained by the Chang Gung Medical Development Institute of Tsinghua University and Beijing Chang Gung Hospital affiliated to Tsinghua University. After graduation, he did postdoctoral research in health communication at Chang Gung University in Taiwan and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He has presided over a number of scientific research projects on health communication at the provincial and municipal levels, and has published more than 10 articles on SSCI journals as the first author. He is the reviewer of IJERPH, Healthcare, BMC Women's Health, BMC Health Service Research, BMC Psychology, JMIR Public Health & Reviewers of Surveillance, JMIR mHealth and uHealth, etc. His Research interests focus on intrapersonal communication (focuses on the cognitive neuro communication of various medical meditation techniques), interpersonal communication (focus on doctor-patient communication and conflict), organizational communication (focus on the impact of health care workers' communication on patient safety), mass communication and human-computer interaction (focus on the empirical study of medical digital media in physical and mental health).
论文发表(SSCI or EI):
Effects of loving-kindness meditation on doctors’ mindfulness, empathy, and communication skills.
How flow and mindfulness interact with each other in different types of mandala coloring activities
The Effects of Animation on the Guessability of Universal Healthcare Symbols for Middle-Aged and Older Adults.
ISDT Case Study of Cultivation of Employees’ Creativity in Cultural and Creative Industries.
Reliability and Validity Assessment of the Chinese Version of MBI-PPD Self-efficacy Scale.
Focused-Attention Meditation Improves Flow, Communication Skills, and Safety Attitudes of Surgeons.
The effect of animation-guided mindfulness meditation on the promotion of creativity, flow and affect.
ISDT Case Study of We’ll App for Postpartum Depression Women.
Reliability and Validity Assessment of the Chinese Version of Flow Ergonomics.
The Effect of We’ll App on Social-Support, Self-efficacy, and EPDS for PPD.
The Core Values and Methodology of Cross-Cultural I-Sustainability Design Thinking.
The Impact of Social-Support, Self-efficacy and APP on MBI.
Effects of mindfulness meditation on doctors’ mindfulness, patient safety culture, patient safety competency and adverse event.
Effects of mandala coloring on mindfulness, spirituality, and subjective well-being.
The effect of loving-kindness meditation on employees’ mindfulness, affect, altruism and knowledge hiding.
ISDT Case Study of Loving Kindness Meditation for Flight Attendants.
Cooperative and individual mandala drawing have different effects on mindfulness, spirituality, and subjective well-being.
The effect of loving-kindness meditation on flight attendants’ spirituality, mindfulness and subjective well-being.
Effects of animated pedagogical agent-guided loving-kindness meditation on flight attendants’ spirituality, mindfulness, subjective wellbeing, and social presence.
Effects of Animation-Guided Mindfulness Meditation on Flight Attendants’ Flow Ergonomics.
Positive Intervention Effect of Mobile Health Application Based on Mindfulness and Social Support Theory on Postpartum Depression Symptoms of puerperae